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  • Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd.

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Home> Industry Information> Sweet waxy corn cultivation techniques

Sweet waxy corn cultivation techniques

May 14, 2021

1, choose a good seed. At present, sweet Waxy Corn is mostly freshly marketed, and it is necessary to consider the high yield and quality traits of the varieties. The Sweet Corn is required to have high sweetness, good palatability, good waxy corn viscosity, pure aroma, and soft texture; the appearance quality of both varieties requires ear The size is uniform, full and firm, and the grains are closely arranged. Sweet corn can be selected from Xiangchao Sweet No.1 and Huatian No.1, etc., and Zhongma No.1, City Beauty and Prince Charming can be used for picking corn.

2, determine the scale of planting, sowing in stages. The planting scale of sweet waxy corn must be determined according to market demand and processing capacity. At the same time, the planting period should be arranged according to the time of listing and processing, and sowing should be conducted in phases. Generally, the spring sowing time is from mid-March to early May. Seedlings can be sowed 10-15 days earlier in the film, and from July 20 to August 10 in the autumn. Spring sown maize grows fast, matures early, harvesting time is concentrated, temperature in autumn gradually decreases, maturity is slow, and harvesting time is extended. Therefore, it is advisable to broadcast a batch every 10 days during the appropriate sowing period in spring. It is better to broadcast a batch every 5 days during the suitable sowing period in the fall. This will extend the market supply time and increase farmers' income.

3, isolation planting. Sweet corn, waxy corn and common corn can not be mixed, so as to prevent strings from affecting quality. Therefore, in the cultivation layout of sweet, sorghum, and common corn, it is necessary to carry out isolation and planting in space or time, space isolation is more than 300 meters, and the time is isolated for more than 10 days.

4, field management. The management measures for sweet waxy corn and common corn are basically the same. It should be noted that the sweet waxy corn seed has small grains, less intension, low seedling emergence rate, weak early growth, grass shortage in seedling stage, early weeding and weeding, and partial sweetness. Waxy corn has tillering and multi-spike characteristics. The tillers should be removed early, and the spikelets should be removed earlier, leaving only the largest ear. In addition, apply more organic fertilizer to improve quality.

5, timely harvest. Early harvest of sweet corn, too soft grain, low content, low total sugar, bad flavor, and too late harvest, the grain becomes old, and the skin is thick and sweet. The suitable harvesting period for sweet corn is 20-28 days after silking, and 23-28 days after silking for waxy corn. The harvesting time should be as early as possible in the early morning to be ready for sale on the day and shipped to the processing plant for processing. Sweet Glutinous Corn harvested after the harvest due to the rapid decline in sugar content and flavor deterioration should be handled within 24 hours.

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